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Proposed walking map. & Date

Last updated: 20/02/2023

UPDATE: The proposed date is August 12/13 2023 - giving us a short day and a full moon for maximum visibility.

We are still looking for supporters and crew! Please watch this space for a sign-up form!

We will begin at the southernmost point of Butterley Reservoir, Marsden on August 12th (time TBC, likely late morning or noon).

Out route follows the Pennine Way in a southern direction up until Edale.

The 1st Short Rest and Road Exit Point is at Crowden (10 miles, Torside Reservoir) via Black Hill. Our support team will be on standby to provide water and assist in case of emergencies.

The approximate Midpoint and Long Rest stop is at Snake Pass Road & Summit via Bleaklow Head (16 miles).

We aim to arrive at dusk and be picked up by our support team. We are looking at a stopover in Glossop for food, water, toilet breaks and a change of clothes, followed by 6 hours of rest during the brief hours of darkness.

Come dawn the support team will drop us off at the Midpoint of the route.

The next stage follows the Pennine Way via Mill Hill (where there is a possible exit to Hayfield) and Kinder Downfall to Edale (25.5 miles).

Here we have the 2nd Short Rest and may be joined by any support walkers for the final third of the route. There is also a possible Road Exit Point.

From Edale we march on towards the Yorkshire Bridge Inn (32.3 miles) via Wooler Knoll and Win Hill to our 3rd Short Rest stop, where we may also be joined by support walkers. There also exists a convenient Road Exit Point here.

Lastly, we will aim for Grindleford Station Cafe where out route ends at 40 miles, via the Sheffield Country Walk trail, branching off at White Path Moss, veering south via Higger Tor and Over Owler Tor, and finally Bole Hill.